The Fact Check Box -- a new accuracy feature at
This is another step in collaborating and crowdsourcing with our readers to improve The Morning Journal's news coverage.
Why restrict efforts to "get it right" to only the newsroom staffers when each day a thousand times more people in all walks of life buy The Morning Journal and then even more people read it? We are news professionals who take great pains to provide readers the best possible coverage. Still, that does not mean we think we know everything, or know anything better than anyone else.
Reporters gather facts and write stories which are then carefully edited. But it's all a human process. Maybe a source got the facts wrong, or misspoke, or a reporter misunderstood, or an editing mistake introduced an error. Mistakes happen, but they are not OK. We want to avoid them, or fix them ASAP.
If you see something in a news story that you think is wrong, or the facts are misinterpreted, or out of context, or incomplete, you can use the Fact Check Box to notify our editors. Please specify what you believe to be the correct information. We will check into it and, if necessary, correct the story online and run a print correction. (Of course, you can also call us at 440-245-6901, as always.)
The Fact Check Box idea was born this week at our sister paper, The Register Citizen, in Torrington, Conn., and CEO John Paton encouraged all the other Journal Register Company papers to adopt it. It fits right in with our new model of open source newsgathering in JRC's Ben Franklin Project. We're tapping into the knowledge and expertise of our readers to provide the most accurate and complete news reports possible.