Blogs > Tell the Editor

A conversation between readers and the editor of The Morning Journal in Lorain, Ohio

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Being Mom2Amara newest blog in Community Media Lab

Monina Wagner, Mom2Amara
The lineup of blogs in The Morning Journal's Community Media Lab now features Being Mom2Amara by Monina Wagner of Avon.

What's it all about? Here's how she describes it: "Self proclaimed extraordinary mom. Mediocre homemaker. Wannabe runner. Life long Clevelander. And proud member of the 2011 Walt Disney World Moms Panel."

Mo posts frequently, so be sure to check back an see what's new with Being Mom2Amara.

If you have a blog, or would like to start one and become part of The Community Media Lab, just contact me at  Don't worry if you haven't got a blog started yet. We can help you create it and teach you how to operate it. Blogging is simple and fun.

Blogs can be about all sorts of topics. We're especially looking for bloggers who would like to write about what's going on in their cities, their neighborhoods, or clubs.

Blogs also can be about anything from block watch groups to church groups.

Hobbies also can be a great blog topic of interest to like-minded people.

The field of interests is wide open, and there's plenty of room in The Community Media Lab.

Sunday, June 26, 2011

New fashion blog debuts in Community Media Lab

Patricia Maristch, Fashion Penn Pal
Check out the new Fashion Penn Pal blog in the Community Media Lab. Fashion-obsessed blogger Patricia Maristch calls her blog "the fashionista's 'partner in crime' and a guiding hand to the fashion-challenged."  She loves fashion, and she loves shopping, and if that's your passion too, then you have a new Fashion Penn Pal.

The Commuity Media Lab also has a wide array of other blogs to catch your interest. Suzan Smith presents Politics are Personal. Jim Brooks offers personalized punditry that's Outside the Lines. Dan Brady takes a fascinating look back at local history in Brady's Bunch of Lorain County Nostalgia.

There's more too: Inspiration, recipes, humor, Great Lakes living issues and Cleveland Browns talk in the Blawg Pound.

New local bloggers are welcome in the Community Media Lab, as are established bloggers. Just contact Tom Skoch, editor, at tskoch Our staff can help you get a blog set up and running and provide guidance as you grow.

A blog is a great way to connect with the community and let people know all about what's going on in your neighborhood, city, school or church organizations. Blogs can also connect with others who share your  hobby interests, for example.

The Morning Journal's Community Media Lab is here to help bring it all together for you.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Morning Journal, sister paper tie for best in Ohio

Accepting the awards. That's me and Laura Kessel, managing editor of The News-Herald, whom I hired as a Morning Journal copy editor at the start of her journalism career. Then there's Ed Byers, Press Club president, and WKYC-TV news anchor Dick Russ who was the emcee for the awards ceremony.  (Photo courtesy of The Press Club  of Cleveland)

 Lots of hard work by lots of hard-working news folks made possible the following short story written today ... and I just wanted to share the good news here:

CLEVELAND - The Morning Journal tied for first place as best daily newspaper in Ohio of 100,000 or less circulation with its sister newspaper, The News-Herald in Lake County on Friday.

The award came in The Cleveland Press Club Ohio Excellence in Journalism competition. Awards were announced Friday evening in ceremonies at the Marriott Hotel in Downtown Cleveland.

The Morning Journal also won second place for Best Web Site in Ohio as well as taking second place for Best Breaking News-Ongoing Story for "Officer Kerstetter Killed."

Sports Editor Colin Wilson won second place in Sports issue coverage for stories on Elyria Catholic High School's violation of Ohio High School Athletic Association rules.

The Press Club competition drew 800 entries from newspapers, magazines, TV and radio stations statewide.


Now, it's back to work for us ... every day is a fresh start. News to find, pages to fill.